Prepare for all Pilot Aptitude Tests
Start your training today, to ace the psychotechnical and psychomotor airlines tests. Pilotest's goal is to provide you with a long term preparation that will allow you to train for all Pilot Aptitude Tests including PILAPT®, COMPASS, CUT-E and DLR tests.
...and ace your airline assessment!
cut-e online tests
‣ Do you want to prepare for the psychometric CUT-E online tests? Are you applying at Aer Lingus, Easy Jet, or Norwegian? This section is for you!
‣ Our tests exactely depict what you can expect at the exam! Start to train now to ace your selection!
pilapt® preparation
‣ Are you about to take the PILAPT® assessment? Train to ace the tests! PILAPT® tests are worldwide used for pilots selections at airlines or flight schools.
‣ PILAPT® is a reserved brand property of People Technologies Ltd which Pilotest is not affiliated to.
compass tests
‣ COMPASS tests are psychometric tools used for pilots selection by airlines or flight schools. They are highly selective and do require thorough preparation.
‣ Our ultra realistic tests will help you to train efficiently for the COMPASS and to master the tests.
dlr bu/gu tests
‣ Are you about to apply at Lufthansa, Cargolux, Swiss, Luxair or Turkish Airlines? Prepare for the DLR BU/GU tests with ultra representational tools.
‣ Don't satisfy yourself with the preparation tools sent by the DLR! Train long ahead of the selection.
Psy1 air france pro
‣ You are an experienced pilot? You are applying at Air France? Do you want to get ahead by improving your overall knowledge long before the assessments?
‣ Start your training to ace the psy1 tests that you will take at the ENAC during a one day session.
Psy0 air france cadets
‣ Air France still massively recruits cadet pilots in 2020! Discover the online pre-screening psy0 tests to undertake the selection process without surprise.
‣ Prepare yourself now for the Air France cadet pilot pre-screening with our ultra realistic psy0 tests.
Psy1 air france cadets
‣ If you pass the Air France cadet pilots psy0 step, you will then have to take the very selective psy1 psychotechnical and psychomotor tests at Toulouse.
‣ Starting the training long before the assessment is the key for success to enter the cadet program!
Psy1 enac-epl
‣ This section is for french aviation school (ENAC) entrance tests. Here you will find everything you need to prepare for the ENAC-EPL U/S/P psy1 tests.
‣ Access a series of tests and preparation materials that will enable you to master the psy1 at Toulouse.