Frequently asked questions
The Pilotest website is the result of 7 years of labor and of a fruitful cooperation between airline pilots, psychologists specialized in pilot assessment, and IT engineers. You will find test preparation questions specifically designed to allow you to carry out an efficient preparation for the psycho-technical and psycho-motor tests that you will face during the screenings in a flight school or at an airline company. The Pilotest website was born from the will to democratize the training for psycho-motor and psycho-technical tests. It has become necessary to focus on personal preparation rather than to rely on chance and allow everyone to access the same quality of preparation material independtly of their financial means. Besides, in the global competitive industry many expensive training solutions have emerged - some of which useless - over the past years. By choosing Pilotest you will be sure to access the best up-to-date information and unlimited access to the training materials.
Why choose Pilotest instead of one of our competitor?
Different more or less qualitative preparation tools for the psycho-technical tests have emerged over the past years and take today a substantial advantage out of the competition between students or low expererienced pilots. These schools or websites benefit from the applicants stress and give him the illusion that paying will allow him to access extra information which could make the difference at the screening. Indeed that's an illusion! Keep in mind that Pilotest centralises all the informations you may need to pass your selections and that it is kept up-to-date everyday. Because of its free access, it works like a community and our users are prompt to report to us any test modifications. We can then adapt the website almost immediately. Bear in mind that paying won't help you to make the difference!
Your feedbacks are precious to us
We can only keep the tests up-to-date and relevant thanks to your feedbacks (be gentle please ;-)...If you have any informations abouts pilot aptitude tests, do not hesitate to contact us.
Predicted growth
Originally the website was essentially designed to prepare for the french pilots aptitude tests. But we have recently launched the PILAPT®, VTS, COMPASS and CUT-E preparation tools which are used worldwide. We are currently developing a complete offer for Interpersonnal, SWISS, BQ, DLR, ADAPT and MOLLYMAWK tests. We hope to be able to release those tests before the end of 2019 while keeping a free access.
Why choose Pilotest instead of one of our competitor?
Your feedbacks are precious to us
Predicted growth
Stanin class & skills
Your test results are given not only via a standard notation mark which summarizes true and false answers but also via a "stanin mark" ranging from 1 to 9. This stanin mark expresses your performances compared to the performances of other users. Users are divided as follows: █ 1 : 4% (0% to 4%)█ 2 : next 7% (4% to 11%)█ 3 : next 12% (11% to 23%)█ 4 : next 17% (23% to 40%)█ 5 : next 20% (40% to 60%)█ 6 : next 17% (60% to 77%)█ 7 : next 12% (77% to 89%)█ 8 : next 7% (89% to 96%)█ 9 : best 4% (96% to 100%)If the test is not being calibrated, the scale of the stanin marks is displayed on the test page. Note that for the same test and with the same result (%) you may obtain 2 different stanin marks at 2 different time. The test was certainely calibrated in the meantime and the other users average reference has changed.
At the bottom of your results page, you can download your results as a CSV file.
You can also visualise your results for every selections or test batteries Pilotest prepares for. Tests and results are grouped by aptitudes and need fresh results to be worked out.
Stanin relevance
Since a majority of candidates use Pilotest, stanin marks are all the more relevant.
Stanin sizes
For some tests, the stanin width may be very narrow or identical. For example and for a given test, stanin 7 means a 80% score while stanin 8 is for 81% and stanin 9 for 81% also. This questions some of our users. In fact, we must come back to the stanin definition that's to say a position next to the other users performances. Just imagine a reward or a podium. Stanin 1 is the bronze medal and 9 the gold. A 81% result is sure to be in the 11% best percents (stanin 8) but uncertaintety remains whether it is in the 4% best (stanin 9). In this case, the website will give a stanin 8 - the only which one can be sure. Nevertheless, this situation is not often to be seen. We are doing our best to correct the tests in order to distinguish the users and spread their gaussian results.
Aptitude & skill scores
For each selection Pilotest prepares for, your results are organised by aptitude where you have an average mark. This mark is an average over the last 7 days of your best results. Depending on the selections and other criteriae, the minimum results for each aptitude varies. Nevertheless it is often between 4 and 5 for a professional pilot selection and about 6 or 7 for an ab initio pilot screening.
Data taken into account in the results computation
Your results (expressed as stanin classes) are computed using your correct and incorrect answers as well as the time you take to answer questions. Depending on the test that is considered, other data may be taken into account. Wrong answer are or not detrimental from one test to antoher. However, we do recommend you NEVER to answer at random. This will always be unfavourable to your global score not only on Pilotest but overall at your selection.
Test calibration
The test calibration phase is aimed at ensuring the reliability of the test and its accuracy. During this phase, all user test results are saved in order to build a reference Gaussian curve and a message is displayed to warn about the stanin mark inaccuracy. Once the calibration is finished, the test is published with a result stanin scale on Pilotest.
When your results are displayed, they are adjusted with the calibration curve that has been previously computed.
Note: tests on Pilotest are continuously re-calibrated with our users' results.
Tests difficulty
In order to allow you to prepare efficiently and successfully, Pilotest develops online tests as close as possible to the ones you will be taking during your screening. Some of our users have reported us that the tests on Pilotest are for some of them harder than those at the exam. Keep in mind that it is done on purpose and that we design the test to optimise your chance of success. Training on slightly harder tests will make you confortable to excel at your selection.
Tests corrections
Little by little, we are trying to add test corrections when it wasn't initially done. The correction is either available at the end of the test or after each question (do not forget to select the "Exercice" mode).
Stanin class & skills
At the bottom of your results page, you can download your results as a CSV file.
You can also visualise your results for every selections or test batteries Pilotest prepares for. Tests and results are grouped by aptitudes and need fresh results to be worked out.
Stanin relevance
Stanin sizes
Aptitude & skill scores
Data taken into account in the results computation
Test calibration
When your results are displayed, they are adjusted with the calibration curve that has been previously computed.
Note: tests on Pilotest are continuously re-calibrated with our users' results.
Tests difficulty
Tests corrections
Don't share your account
In order to stay consistent in the test calibration, we ask you as far as possible not to share your Pilotest account.
Use of personal data
Your personal data remains your property. You have the right to access it and to modify it. To modify or update your personal data, log in to your Pilotest account and go to your profile page. At the bottom of this page, the link "Cancel my account" will delete your account and all your details. To modify your pilot details, please visit this link.
Pilotest liability
Pilotest can not be held liable if the user fails the assessment exam and no compensation will never be provided for such a case.
Pilotest duplication or copy
Any reproduction or copy, partial or complete, of the Pilotest website by any means is strictly prohibited, even for personal use. In the event of reproduction, even partial, of the website, Pilotest will systematically lodge a complaint against the author of such reproductions and will undertake all required legal procedures. In such a situation, we reserve the right to communicate with any other parties about this infringement and its author. The Pilotest website is protected by international copyright laws.
Don't share your account
Use of personal data
Pilotest liability
Pilotest duplication or copy
Minimal configuration
Pilotest tests are created with Javascript, JQuery and ReactJS. The website is designed with Bootstrap 4. The tests should work on any recent web browsers. However, we have optmised the tests display for the last versions of Chrome (>v70), Firefox(>v63), Safari(>v11). We don't carry out extensive tests on Opera but it should normally also work. We are working on MSEdge compatibility and we hope to support this browser soon. However, Internet Explorer is and will never be supported since it is deprecated. Native smartphones browsers that are not Android or IOS (IPhone/Ipad are supported) may be problematic.
Note that even if the website is accessible from any devices, it's unrealistic to practice some tests on a small screen. For example, PILAPT® - Checkerboard seems impractical with an Iphone 5...we recommend at least a 8'' (Ipad mini) screen.
Gamepads and browser compatibility
Dexterity tests are often designed to be played with a gamepad. The following browsers are compatible with gamepads: Chrome, Safari or Firefox. We have recently noticed a compatibility problem with Safari v12 and recent Mac OS. We are trying to fix this problem. MS Edge and Internet Explorer are not compatible with gamepads.
Gamepads calibration
If you use real gamepads, you must first carry out a calibration phase which is done once for all per test. The calibration purpose is to link axis and buttons to the test. Let's calibrate together your gamepad to play the PILAPT® - Total.
You know you are suppposed to move the ILS laterally with the left/right gamepad axis(1). Move the joystick laterally. The blue rectangle (2) moves which represent joystick 1/axis 3. In the select menu, you will select joystick 1/axis 3 for axis (1). Do the same for the vertical axis and link the relevant axis. Note that if the sliders are not greyed, you can adjust the axis sensitiveness with the sliders (A).
To link the trigger button (3), just pull on the trigger on your gamepad. A blue rectangle will blink (4) which is joystick 1/button 5 on our example. Enter joystick 1/button 5 for the trigger in the select menu (B).
Normally, if you release your gamepad, the blue rectangles of the axis should all be halfway. If it is not the case, just release all your gamepads and press the TRIM button. It will add an offset that will recenter your axis.
Gamepads calibration and Windows
If you use Windows (but why? ... :-) ), a windows gamepads calibration is done upstream of your browser. Most of the time, it works well. But if it doesn't, our website will receive incorrect gamepad position values.
In such a case, please go to (1) Control panel > All control panel items > Device and printers. (works with Windows 10 - for former versions, press Windows key + "R" and enter "joy.cpl" + Entrer). Select the relevant gamepad (2) with right click + "parameters" to display the calibration tools (3). Click on the game controller and open the properties windows (4).
a) Axis are all centered. b) Single axis (Z, Rotation or Thrust lever) are centered HALFWAY which is 0 on the picture and not -1 or 1. c) No button is pressed. d) Potential point of views controller are centered.
Calibration recording
Once the calibration phase is done, click the button "Save the calibration". Your calibration for this test is now saved as a cookie and will stay available as long as you don't erase it.
Gamepads detection
All gamepads detected by your OS will be detected by Pilotest. If you use Chrome or Firefox and that your gamepads are not detected, move the axis or click the buttons to wake them up. If it doesn't work, unplug and plug them back. Some browsers need to have the gamepads plugged after the browser is launched. We have also noticed that some browsers only detect gamepads in a single tab. If you have a joystick detection problem, please close all tabs but for the pilotest one. If it still doesn't work, please visit this website to check whether your gamepads are correctely detected by your browser.
Use Pilotest offline
You must be able to access the internet to launch a test. However, you can then play the test without an internet connection (metro, tunnel...). Internet access is needed to upload your result and to convert it into a stanin mark. You must also access the internet to load a new set of questions.
Exam or training mode.
For most tests, 2 modes are available. In exam mode, you just answer the questions one after another and no correction is given. In training mode, a correction is given after each question while the chrono is set to pause.
Other technical problem
Don't hesitate to contact us. We will try to reply within 48 hours (two working days).
Minimal configuration
Note that even if the website is accessible from any devices, it's unrealistic to practice some tests on a small screen. For example, PILAPT® - Checkerboard seems impractical with an Iphone 5...we recommend at least a 8'' (Ipad mini) screen.
Gamepads and browser compatibility
Gamepads calibration
You know you are suppposed to move the ILS laterally with the left/right gamepad axis(1). Move the joystick laterally. The blue rectangle (2) moves which represent joystick 1/axis 3. In the select menu, you will select joystick 1/axis 3 for axis (1). Do the same for the vertical axis and link the relevant axis. Note that if the sliders are not greyed, you can adjust the axis sensitiveness with the sliders (A).
To link the trigger button (3), just pull on the trigger on your gamepad. A blue rectangle will blink (4) which is joystick 1/button 5 on our example. Enter joystick 1/button 5 for the trigger in the select menu (B).
Normally, if you release your gamepad, the blue rectangles of the axis should all be halfway. If it is not the case, just release all your gamepads and press the TRIM button. It will add an offset that will recenter your axis.
Gamepads calibration and Windows
In such a case, please go to (1) Control panel > All control panel items > Device and printers. (works with Windows 10 - for former versions, press Windows key + "R" and enter "joy.cpl" + Entrer). Select the relevant gamepad (2) with right click + "parameters" to display the calibration tools (3). Click on the game controller and open the properties windows (4).
Calibration recording
Gamepads detection
Use Pilotest offline
Exam or training mode.
Other technical problem
Financial support
Pilotest access is free of charge and that's our aim to keep it such. Light advertising will be soon added in order to financially support the website and pay the salaries of our 2 developpers. In such a context you will understand that we refuse access to users with an adblock. By the way, we are very interested in any kind of partnership or financial support. Do not hesitate to contact us on this matter!
Financial support